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2020 planned but cancelled
MK Youth Choir sing for Commuters
Milton Keynes Railway Station
December 2020
Carol singing for those travelling through Milton Keynes station to raise funds for the choir.
Christmas with MK Chorale
St Peter & St Paul, Olney
19 December 2020
As guest of MK Chorale for their Christmas concert.
Messiah with MK Chorale
Church of Christ the Cornerstone,
5 December 2020
As guest of MK Chorale for their Messiah concert.
Youth Messiah from Scratch
Royal Albert Hall,
15 November 2020
With other young singers in the grand space of the Royal Albert Hall.
Summer concert
St Mary & St Giles Church, Stony Stratford
July 2020
Informal end of summer term concert for family and friends.
Music for Youth
Christ the Cornerstone, Milton Keynes
March 2020
MK Festival of the Arts
The Ridgeway Centre
March 2020
Entered the annual choirs festival section.
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